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Terrace Adult Rec Hockey League
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Spare Players List

List of spare players available whenever your teams roster drops below 10 skaters.

Updated September 6, 2024

Teams that are short players for their games follow the phone list order and report to President Travis Lamming once you have used a player off of the list. Spare players are not to be used again until all players on the spare list have had the opportunity to play. The player selected must pay $15 per game and $23 for insurance which covers them for the entire season. The spare player list will be capped at 15 players per division.  Send payments by e-transfer to the following email address:

Spare Players Rec Division: 

Damian Smith 613-612-5198
Damon Jaswal 250-631-2875
Greg Kennedy   
Zach Pelletier 438-828-4744
Sean Lindhorst 647-687-9895
Mitch Hobenshield 250-842-3088
Cole Constain 250-641-4969
Wade Foster 250-638-7177
Justin Unrau 250-615-1455
Robert Orrey 250-631-9020
David Palmer 250-600-2946
Brandon Stella  250-641-9773
Austin Harder 250-615-2285
Brent Petersen  250-631-7230

Spare Players OT Division:

Mitch Hobenshield 250-842-3088
Brent Petersen  250-631-7230
Steven Chant 250-641-8157
Robin Casey 250-641-2025
Christian Munhenk 250-641-9029
Matthew Raposo 250-631-3633
Matt Ambroziak 807-355-1366
Jesse Potulicki 250-641-2459
Owen Lepisto 778-645-4866
Tim Waggot 604-355-5800
Walker Main  250-893-4537
Brendan Chesterman 250-641-8998
Simon Cho 778-869-1237
Chris Culp 250-615-8420
Lawerence Stella 250-631-2456


Terrace Adult Hockey Tournament Standings


Hockey Canada Rule Book


AGM Minutes September 3/4, 2024


Goalie Replacement List
