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Terrace Adult Rec Hockey League

TAHL Special Playing Rules

Section C
  1. The Terrace Men’s Recreational Hockey League is sanctioned by the Canadian Adult Recreational Hockey Association.
1a. These Special Rules are separate from the League Constitution. These Special Rules may be amended and new Rules introduced at any time, at a Regular or Special League Meeting and when passed by a simple majority of the Members present (each team present receiving one (1) vote Per team)
  1. The league will follow the Official CARHA rules with the additional League rules:
    1. Generally speaking, fighting will not be tolerated.
    2. In Rec League, a “first fight” will result in a minimum 3 GAME Suspension, subject to review by the league disciplinary committee. CARHA or the League may rule longer.
    3. In Rec League, a “second fight” in a season will result in a minimum 10 GAME suspension. CARHA or the League may rule longer.
    4. Subsequent fights (Rec League) will result in a minimum 2 year expulsion from the Terrace Mens Rec League in it’s entirety (Rec and Old Timers
  1. First fight (Oldtimers League) will result in a minimum 10 GAME Suspension, subject to review by the league disciplinary committee. CARHA or the League may rule longer.
  2. All fighting penalties are subject to automatic review by the President
  1. Additional penalties during the hockey season (includes regular schedule and Playoffs).
    1. (3) Three Major penalties (Excluding Accidental High Stick) results in a (1) ONE YEAR suspension and reapply to re-enter the league.
    2. Verbal abuse of Officials after a penalty will be assessed 2 min then 10 minute Misconduct penalty. The Player must serve the 10 minute Misconduct.
    3. Three Game Misconducts for verbal abuse in one season results in a (1) ONE YEAR suspension and reapply to re-enter the league.
    4. 5 sets of 3 Minor penalties in one game, (10) TEN GAME suspension. A repeat of this in one season will result in an Automatic one year suspension after which the player must apply to the League to reenter
    5. Match penalties will receive a minimum of a (3) THREE GAME suspension. CARHA may rule longer
    6. Attempt to injure Penalty will receive a Game Misconduct PLUS a minimum 3 Game suspension
    7. Misconduct penalty involving any intent to hit or injure a referee is an AUTOMATIC LIFETIME suspension from the league-with right of appeal to Discipline Committee
  2. Teams can only draw off a master list of players in order of registration. This list will be carried from year to year. At the beginning of the year, teams are asked to decide how many players they need to add to fill their roster and draft according to how many players are available to be drafted. It is up to the League to decide roster sizes, not the individual team.
  3. Players can be taken off the list up to the last (10) Ten games of the season, except for injured players who will not play for the remainder of the season. Also a player must play at least (10) Ten game during the regular season to be eligible to play in the playoffs.
  4. New players must be put on a list first before picking them up. Player Pickups may only be made at a Regular or Special League Meeting. If a Meeting is not scheduled for at least a month, a Team may request a player addition to the League President who will survey the affected Division for their comments and permission. Generally speaking a team will be permitted to pick a player of equivalent ability. i.e. An A player for an A player, a B for a B etc.
  5. Each team shall submit a roster within 2 weeks from the start of the season.
  6. Each team must ensure their players are covered by liability insurance. No player may play a game unless dues are paid according to current League procedures
  7. Teams are to have matching jerseys and numbers by November 1st of each year accompanied by a roster.
  8. Teams must be out of the dressing room 60 minutes after the game.
  9. No players and no pucks shall go onto the ice surface until the gates to the Ice Cleaning Machine room are closed or the rink attendant gives verbal permission.
  10. The format for League playoffs will be determined depending on the number of teams in that Division that season. It will be either a Top 4/Best of 3 final (1 plays 4 best of 3, 2 plays 3, best of 3, winners play best of 3) or a round robin format, top 4 advance. 1 plays 4, 2 plays 3, top 2 play one final game)
  11. Playoff games will follow the same time format as regular season games. If tied at the conclusion of regulation time, a 10 minute sudden victory Overtime shall follow. If still tied, a 5 player shootout will follow. If still tied, a sudden victory shootout will follow. Shooters may repeat only after the conclusion of the first 5 player shootout.
  12. Standard CARHA Tie Break (goal differential) will be used to determine placing and final standings. The winner of the Rec League will be awarded custody of the Mike Haworth Memorial Cup for one year and the Old Timers division winner will  receive the Championship Cup for one year. The winning team is responsible for engraving their name on the trophy at their expense and for safekeeping until the start of the next season’s playoffs at which point it must be returned to the custody of the League Executive Officers.
  13. Any Team caught Smoking on City property risks loosing their Dressing Room privileges at the discretion of the Parks and Recreation Department
  14. It is the responsibility of the Team Representative that all new players are aware of the rules and abide by them.
  15. If a player is moved to another team at any time during the season for personal reasons, the 10 game rule for playing in the playoffs will not apply in this case providing the players combined total games meet or exceed the 10 game minimum.
  16. The game will consist of (2) TWO 20 Minute stop time periods and dependent upon time remaining, the 2nd period could be longer. If time starts to run out for the hour and one-half, running time will take affect with the last 2 minutes “Stop time”.
Game Misconduct penalty assessed under Rule 46 - Abuse of Officials, Unsportsmanlike Conduct/Misconduct does not incur automatic suspension, unless it occurs in the last 10 minutes of the game (regular playing time including overtime), in which case the penalized player shall be suspended for a minimum of the next regular league, play-off, or tournament game. A total of 10 minutes shall be charged in the records against the penalized player for a Game Misconduct penalty.
  1. Rink and all City Employees are to be treated with respect and courtesy at all times
  2. Let’s not forget that this is RECREATIONAL HOCKEY.

Terrace Adult Hockey Tournament Standings


Hockey Canada Rule Book


AGM Minutes September 3/4, 2024


Goalie Replacement List
